@create Trap Book=10 @Desc Trap Book=You see a small, thin, leatherbound book. Upon its cover is a copper medallion with a letter 'Y' in relief upon it. The corners of the cover have been fixed with copper coverings as well. You open the book and see a window on the right page, its image depicting a flyby of a small island planted right in the middle of the sea, with a certain mist floating about it. How interesting. @Idesc Trap Book=[ifelse(hasattr(me,idesc-%#),v(idesc-%#),You seem to be inside of a dark\, swirling space. How odd.)] @Enter Trap Book=You get sucked into the book. @Oenter Trap Book=gets sucked into the book. @Leave Trap Book=You reappear where you were, away from the blackness. @Oleave Trap Book=reappears from thin air. &CANTLEAVE Trap Book=[not(member(v(trapped),%#))] @lock/LeaveLock Trap Book=CANTLEAVE/1 @lock/TportLock Trap Book=CANTLEAVE/1 @lock/TeloutLock Trap Book=CANTLEAVE/1 &IMPRISON Trap Book=$imprison *=*:@switch strmatch(%#,owner(me))=1,{@switch type(*%0)=PLAYER,{@vt me=[create([name(*%0)]'s Prison, 10)]; &trapped me=[v(trapped)] [num(*%0)]; @desc %vt=It's a strange reality bender, serving as a prison for [name(*%0)]; @idesc %vt=%1; &cantleave %vt=\[not(member(v(\[[num(me)]\]/trapped),\%#))\]; @lock/leave %vt=cantleave/1; @lock/tport %vt=cantleave/1; @lock/telout %vt=cantleave/1; @remit loc(*%0)=[switch(nearby(%#,*%0),0,[name(*%0)] winks out of existence. From afar\, you can hear the echoes of laughter.,1,%n grabs [name(*%0)]'s hand and forces [obj(*%0)] to touch the panel on the book in %p hand.)]; @teleport/quiet *%0=%vt},{@pemit %#=Um, that's not a player, %n.}},{@pemit %#=No soup for you, unless you're the owner. (And I know you're not, so don't even bother trying to convince me.)} @set Trap Book=INHERIT @set Trap Book=OPAQUE @set Trap Book=ENTER_OK @set Trap Book=SAFE