Faded Twilight



Cyan's English Translation:

No translation provided.

Raw D'ni Translation:

.rebishtah kodosayen kahgesh b'mes erth lenahokh yahrtee sen bretahleeo

The tunnel was designed (it) originally to require a journey of days three to the surface.

.loymaht remishtahtahv robot tso rebishtah ril mahrenten resaytee kahg lenah gahth shentoen blo yahrtee sen f'toogo

Though the construction actual of the tunnel not follow the designs original the journey still takes about days three on foot.


The text really has little to do with the timepiece, but it is associated with it anyway, due to its location. Interestingly enough, rays come from the timepiece, much like they do from Ae'gura. This could hold some significance.

Readable translation with embellishment:
The tunnel was originally designed to require a journey of three days to reach the surface. Though the actual construction of the tunnel did not follow the original designs, the journey still takes about three days on foot.

Line by Line Breakdown:

Line 1:

re- = the
bishtah = tunnel

kodo- = Past progressive tense prefix
say = design
-en = Third person suffix. (Him/Her/It)

kahg = Original
-esh = Suffix which turns an adjective ending in a consonant into an adverb.

b' = to
mes = require (Note: b'mes is the infinitive form)

re- = the
bishtah = tunnel

erth = a

lenah = journey
-okh = of (Note: Used as suffix here.)

yahr = day
-tee = Plural noun suffix.

sen = three

b- = to
re- = the
tahleeo = surface

Line 2:

loymaht = Though

re- = the
mishtah = construct
-tahv = Suffix that convert a verb into a noun.

robot = actual

tso = of

re- = the
bishtah = tunnel

ril = not

mahrent = follow
-en = Third person suffix. (Him/Her/It)

re- = the
say = design (Note: Used as a noun here?)
-tee = Plural noun suffix.

kahg = original

re- = the
lenah = journey

gahth = still

shento = take
-en = Third person suffix. (Him/Her/It)

blo = about

yahr = day
-tee = Plural noun suffix.

sen = three

f' = on
toogo = foot