===TRANSCRIPT OF THE ENDING SEQUENCE OF RIVEN=== Atrus: There isn't much time...where's Catherine? Where's the Book? Catherine: Atrus! [ Pause as Atrus and Catherine embrace ] Catherine: The villagers are safely in the Rebel Age. I thank you. Atrus: As do I. You've accomplished more than I could've hoped for. You've given me back my life. The path home is now clear for all of us. [ Pause as Catherine links away ] Atrus: This is where our paths must part. Perhaps we will meet again someday. You know where to find me... Good bye, my friend. [ Atrus links away ] [ Riven begins to fall apart and you fall into the Fissure ] Atrus (in background): Now I understand...endings and beginnings are within the Fissure...that riven cleft of stars that acts as both a wall and a bridge. And though I am unable to understand how, the very flow of stars that brought my Myst Book into worthy hands I am sure will serve as a safe passage home for my friend. The Age of Riven is closed forever, and the people of Riven are free. And now, I am at rest understanding that in Books, in Ages, in life, the ending can never truly be written... [ Fade out ] [ Roll credits ] --Transcribed by Rick Coogle