Faded Twilight
Cyan's English Translation:
The shaft was designed by Surveyors' Guild Master Garten. It required the four greatest rock-working machines in all of the D'ni Empire and a few months to complete.
Raw D'ni Translation:
.retiwah kokenen kosayen t'telooknahvah gahrten
The shaft was designed (it) by Surveyors' Guild Master Gahrten.
.komesen redoyhahtee pradteegahl tor gahro b'fahsee t'biv tregahn d'nee
[It] required the machines rock-working four great to 25 in all of the Empire D'ni
gahvìleetee tren b'choylahnay
and months [a] few to complete.
Line by Line Breakdown:
Line 1:
re- = The
tiwah = shaft
ko- = Past tense
ken = be
-en = Third person suffix
(Note: It is used as an auxilary verb here.)
ko- = Past tense
say = design
-en = Third person suffix
t' = by
telooknahvah = Surveyors' Guild Master (Note: Might be
compound and ook may be an adjective)
gahrten = Name of a man. (Who it is, though, I have no
idea. The name is close to Geran in the Book of Ti'ana,
though, and he's the one who did all of these things.)
Lines 2 and 3:
ko- = Past tense
mes = require
-en = Third person suffix
re- = the
doyhah = machine
-tee = Suffix that makes a noun plural
prad- = rock
teeg = work
-ahl = Suffix that makes a verb an adjective
tor = four
gahro = great (Note: Refers to strength)
b' = to
fahsee = 25
Note: Showing to what extent that the machines are great -- 25 is
considered the highest.
t' = in
biv = all
t- = of
re- = the
gahn = Empire
d'nee = D'ni (Note: It's an adjective here.)
gah- = and (Not sure
why it's prefixed here.)
vìlee = month
-tee = Suffix that makes a noun plural
tren = [a] few
b' = to
choylahnay = complete
Note: b'choylahnay is the infinitive form.